well, since i can't make jewelry - literally - i just don't have time. ha ha ha. everytime cameron takes a nap i want to take a nap, or just 'rest'. i just can't bring myself to drag all my stuff out to make a few pairs of earrings. part of this is because it's all thrown together in a couple of boxes and i can't find anything. i am trying to rectify this, but it goes back to the first excuse, i really, just don't have time. :)
in the meantime, i will just post about my day to day life. enthralling, right? right.
"you're going to be eating alot of hair if you keep doing that." those are words i NEVER dreamed would come out of my mouth as a mother. as in giving cameron an ice cube to keep him occupied and him throwing it on the floor, pushing it around a while (we have a lab and a cat) and then picking it up to suck on it. i never thought i'd EVER say ANYTHING like that. haha. i had to laugh at myself today when i said that.
my big venture today is popsicle making. HEALTHY popsicles. sounds gross, right? actually they're very good. and good for cameron, and me (what a bonus!) i had three fresh peaches that were past the eating stage, but perfect for smoothies or freezing, so i knew i wanted to start there. i had been reading an old post on mothering.com about popsicles, so i had some good ideas for adding good stuff to smoothies and they'd freeze great. so, 2 fresh peaches, a few spoonfuls of plain whole milk yogurt, a squeeze of honey because it was plain yogurt, and pretty tart, and 1 heaping scoop of whey protein powder. BINGO! fantastic HEALTHY smoothie - which immediately went into popsicle molds. then i made another smaller batch with the third peach, a banana, another squeeze of honey, some yogurt, and two scoops of whey protein powder (these are for me).
anyways, just wanted to share! enjoy the summer! popsicles are the only way to survive the heat!